I'm Mrmultiplayer but you can call me MC, I like videogames and i'm a newbie dev, I have planned be a indie studio in a future, for now just a dev between a lot.

MC @mrmultiplayer




Joined on 10/13/21

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mrmultiplayer's News

Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 30th, 2024


Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 30th, 2024

Hi there, it has been some hours of chaos but finally we did put everything on way, we don't have material for the update 1.7.

We have enough material for Wandering farmer 1.1 update and Endless Fantasy 1.5.1 we are thinking on update both games around the next week, this weekend we decided to not do anything.

We are also searching people to work with us, we don't have a studio we work on our homes and we literally don't have a pay check so if you want participate it would be on your will!

Without more to say I'm MC with a good new after a week of chaos

Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 29th, 2024

Bad news for everyone

hi there it's me MC and I'm here not exactly to gave good news, everything related with our games or our official ost will be delayed for about 2 or 3 weeks for problems with our team.

We sorry the inconvenience.

MC and infinity studio team



Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 26th, 2024

By the way the game won't will be playable until we put again on newgrounds and this include other games.

Our official Ost will be released this friday 10:00 AM México hours.


Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 26th, 2024

Bad news for our games

hey i has been some days but i'm here to say what we will delay update 1.7 for Endless Fantasy, update 1.1 for Wandering Farmer and a lot of our projects will be get delayed by personal issues and problems with code.

We are sorry but not everything it's bad we will release small updates to introduce the new ones this was just a little problem but we will be back on 5/07/2024 so don't miss us!

MC and infinity studios


Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 23rd, 2024

Recent news

Hi there it has been some days huh? I have been working on the game uploading new features, new things on social media and a lot of things lol, I'm enough done for today, I have been working all day.

By the way I want to say what if someone it's interested on work with us on infinity studio we are from Mexico we don't really have offices xd, all this it's just been made by 4 persons who barely known how make this work lol.

Without something or anything to take care we'll see next time before you notice!

Check our social media!

Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 21st, 2024

Hey i have seen how was the game doing, i hope it would be better (idk what expect) but whatever there its a new update!

I need to say what it will be only aviable on spanish for certain parts lol, blame me for dont knowing how put a setting to change languages,

that's all for now folks see you next time

Posted by mrmultiplayer - June 19th, 2024

Hey hi everyone, it's a me MC/ Mr multiplayer amd i did just wanted to say what i did release a game what it's made with my litlle knowing of knowldege on code of html 5 lol, idk how it did work